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研究生英语综合教程上 unit5原文翻译

Unit Five

The term yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which mean s yoke or union. Traditionally, yoga is a method joining the individual self with the Divine, Universal Spirit, or CosmicConsciousness. Physical and mental exercises ar e designed to help achieve this goal, also called self-tran scendence or enlightenment. On the physical level yoga postures, called asanas, are designed to tone, strengthen, and align me body. These postures are performed to ma ke the spine supple and healthy and to promote blood fl ow to all the organs, glands, and tissues, keeping all the bodily systems healthy. On the mental level, yoga uses b reathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation (dydna )to quiet, clarify, and discipline the mind. However, exp erts are quick to point out that yoga is not a religion, but away of living with health and peace of mind as its aim s. “瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是“结合”或“联合”传统上瑜伽是一种把个人和神,万物之灵或无穷的意识联合在一起的方法。为了帮助达到这个也被称为“自




(Douglas Dupler)



1.Yoga originated in ancient India and is one of the long est surviving philosophical systems in the world. Some scholars have estimated that yoga is as old as 5,000 year s; artifacts detailing yoga postures have been found in In dia from over 3,000 . Yogis claim that it is a highly deve loped science of healthy living that has been tested and perfected for all these years. Yoga was first brought to A merica in the late 1800s when Swami Vivekananda, an I ndian teacher and yogi, presented a lecture on meditatio n in Chicago. Yoga slowly began gaining followers, and flourished during the 1960s when there was a surge of i

nterest in Eastern philosophy. There has since been a va st exchange of yoga knowledge in America, with many students going to India to study and many Indian expert s coming here to teach, resulting in the establishment of a wide variety of schools. Today, yoga is thriving, and it has become easy to find teachers and practitioners thro ughout America. A recent Roper poll, commissionedby Yoga Journal, found that 11 million Americans do yoga at least occasionally" and six million perform it regularl y. Yoga stretches are used by physical therapists and pro fessional sports teams, and the benefits of yoga are bein g touted by movie stars and Fortune 500 executives. Ma ny prestigious schools of medicine have studied and intr oduced yoga techniques as proven therapies for illness a nd stress. Some medical schools, like UCLA, even offer yoga classes as part of their physician training program.




2 There are several different schools of hatha yoga in A merica; the two most prevalent ones are Iyengar and As htanga yoga. Iyengar yoga was founded by Iyengar, wh o is widely considered as one of the great living innovat ors of yoga. Iyengar yoga puts strict emphasis on form a nd alignment, and uses traditional hatha yoga technique

s in new manners and sequences. Iyengar yoga can be g ood for physical therapy because it allows the use of pro ps like straps and blocks to make it easier for some peop le to get into the yoga postures. Ashtanga yoga can be a more vigorous routine, using a flowing and dance-like s equence of hatha postures to generate body heat, which purifies the body through sweating and deep breathing.

2 美国有许多不同的哈他(传统)瑜伽学派,其中影响最大的是艾扬格派和阿斯汤加派。艾扬格瑜伽的创立者是波·可·斯·艾扬格,他是世界上目前仍健在的最伟大的瑜伽改革者之一。艾扬格瑜伽十分注重姿势的精准,它采用新的方式和顺序练习传统瑜伽。艾扬格瑜伽有助于身体治疗,因为它允许练习者使用瑜伽伸展带、瑜伽砖等辅助器材来减少做瑜伽动作的难度。阿斯汤加瑜伽有着更精准的要求,练习者要用舞蹈般流畅的动作来练习传统瑜伽,从而使身体发热,并通过出汗和深呼吸来净化自己的身体。

3 Yoga routines can take anywhere from 20 minutes to t wo or more hours, with one hour being a good time inve stment to perform a sequence of postures and a meditati on. Some yoga routines, depending on the teacher and s

chool, can be as strenuous as the most difficult workout, and some routines merely stretch and align the body whi le the breath and heart rate are kept slow and steady. Yo ga achieves its best results when it is practiced as a daily discipline, and yoga can be a life-long exercise routine, offering deeper and more challenging positions as a prac titioner becomes more adept. The basic positions can in crease a person's strength, flexibility and sense of well-b eing almost immediately, but it can take years to perfect and deepen them, which is an appealing and stimulating aspect of yoga for many.

